Downloadable edition: 10 Lesson Plans Preschool – PK expectations for behavior, that create calm and peaceful classrooms and schools.
Downloadable edition: 10 Lesson Plans Preschool – PK expectations for behavior, that create calm and peaceful classrooms and schools.
This book contains real life products, projects, and performances that are extremely helpful in engaging all math learners. Have you ever had a student say to you, “Why do we have to learn this? We will never use this in the real world!” If students can connect the math assignment to their everyday world, learning and retention of content is achieved! Use one of these 50 lessons and watch what happens with even your struggling learners. It’s exciting!! These lessons use differentiated instruction in the classroom and all students are engaged in the learning process. Each lesson has a rubric and identifies the critical thinking verbs that students must use to complete the product, project, or performance.
200+ pages. WE DO NOT SELL THIS RESOURCE MANUAL TO THE GENERAL TEACHING PUBLIC. It is given to participants of our classroom management seminars, and at our on-site trainings conducted in schools and districts. This Resource Manual provides cutting edge ideas, strategies, tips, and techniques which will forever increase your teaching time, student on-task time, and reduce stress for you and your students. Our innovative strategies establish optimal learning environments. You will go way beyond discipline to create a program that will change your students’ behavior.
This DVD includes: All of the Self-Control strategies you have learned, which will help you “remain calm and respond right” every time. All of the seminar philosophy and strategies, which will help set you and your children up for peak performance. All of the rapport building philosophy and strategies which will help you establish connections with all children, even children who challenge, and which always pay big dividends to the classroom teacher. Also, classroom arrangement ideas! All of the seminar philosophy and strategies which will guarantee that you “stay out of the tornado” and never again find yourself giving multiple warnings and repeated requests. “All of the critically important “what if’s” asked by teachers from around America, and answered by a master educator.
This training will help to raise test scores for your students, decrease discipline challenges, and improve classroom rapport. You will learn how to meet students where they are and lead them where they need to be, capture attention, and promote deeper learning.